CPD - Continual Professional/Personal Development

As defined on the CPD UK website – “CPD – Continuing Personal or Professional Development - is the term that describes a commitment to structured skills enhancement and personal or professional competence.”

In its purest form, CPD is the process upon which people can formally record their continual learning and use this record to further assist future learning or consolidate what has previously been learnt. The recording of learning can take many formats, but the role of CPD has become more and more formalized over the last 20 years which lead to the establishment of the CPD Certification Service.

CPD Certification Service

The CPD Certification Service helps organisations provide certified CPD and acts as a point of contact for those seeking to obtain certified CPD material. It supports further learning initiatives being undertaken by employers, professional institutions, trade associations, independent training suppliers and by voluntary organizations and Government.

The CPD Certification Service operates as an independent body and works across all market sectors and supports professional institutions, bodies and societies in gaining formal accreditation or recognition for the training/learning delivered.
The main objective of its role to certify that the content of training courses, conference papers and other educationally beneficial materials are compliant with “universally” accepted CPD guidelines.

Managing Your own CPD

The CPD Certification Service website does however also offer advice on how to plan and manage your own personal CPD. Managing your own CPD This includes the planning and evaluation of your personal learning and provides a pro-forma CPD plan and Record  card along with a detailed series of FAQ’s.

The structure outlined for managing your own CPD is centered around 4 key Steps which are prefaced by the following questions:
Step One – Where Am I Now?

Step Two – Where Am I Going?

Step Three – How will I Get There?

Step Four – How will I know when I get there?

The evaluation stage of your personal CPD plan is key to summarizing the achievements which can demonstrate how far you have achieved your original objectives.

Whilst there may exist areas of under achievement, you can consider whether or not the original goals/objectives remain valid or if more time and/or     different resources are needed to achieve it.
The review of the result will keep your CPD plan active and in this way continue the learning and development cycle into a continual and living plan.