Learning Needs Analysis Questionnaire
The following Learning Needs Analysis questionnaire is designed as a template to help identify both individual and collective management development needs. It can be used purely as a self-assessment tool but can also be used as a feedback tool for either colleagues and/or team members to input into the Learning Needs Analysis process.
For each competence heading distribute a total of ten points among the areas for which you think you would benefit most from further training or development during the next 6 months.
These points may be spread among several areas or just a few.
In extreme cases they might be spread among all the areas or ten points may be given to a single area. If you allocate 10 points to a single area you are suggesting you feel you have no immediate need for training or development in the other areas listed within that competency heading.
Please add extra comments in the box provided for each competency heading
(i.e. there may be areas listed you feel you could still benefit from future development but do not see this as a priority for the next 6 months. Alternatively you may wish to elaborate on your specific training and development needs for the areas you have identified as priority).
Enter the points you allocate at the side of each area and then transfer the results to the Assessment Record Table at the end of this document.
Analysis Questionnaire
Identify the areas you would benefit most from further training or development during the next 6 months. Distribute a maximum of ten points against the areas listed.
a) Gaining acceptance and respect of team
b) Motivating your team
c) Encouraging team involvement and feedback
d) Delivering Team Briefings & Conducting Meetings
e) Resolving Team differences/conflicts
f) Dealing with challenging or difficult team members
g) Demonstrating public support of your Line Manager & Senior Management Team
h) Developing working relationships with other colleagues across the business
Additional Comments:
Identify the areas you would benefit most from further training or development during the next 6 months. Distribute a maximum of ten points against the areas listed.
a) Levels of responsibility & autonomy within your role
b) Company policy & guidelines
c) Effective Leadership skills
d) Research skills
e) Problem solving skills
f) Risk Assessment
g) Interpretation & analysis of data (Management info/reports, etc.)
h) Communicating decisions
Additional Comments:
Identify the areas you would benefit most from further training or development during the next 6 months. Distribute a maximum of ten points against the areas listed.
a) Communicating and gaining ‘buy in’ by others (team and colleagues) to change
b) Presenting and communicating recommendations for change
c) Project Management Skills
d) Identifying and creating new ways to do things
e) Personal Stress Management
f) Identifying and managing stress levels within team and colleagues
g) Prioritising Work
h) Managing ambiguity (guidelines/policies/communication - vague &/or incomplete)
Additional Comments:
Identify the areas you would benefit most from further training or development during the next 6 months. Distribute a maximum of ten points against the areas listed.
a) One to One meetings
b) Performance Development Review Process
c) Developing individuals
d) Training options, facilities and materials for your team
e) Giving & Receiving Feedback
f) Coaching
g) Counselling skills
h) Managing your own development
Additional Comments:
Identify the areas you would benefit most from further training or development during the next 6 months. Distribute a maximum of ten points against the areas listed.
a) Personal Organisation & effectiveness
b) Record Keeping
c) Organising your team
d) Managing Team results
e) Business & Team Operational Planning
f) Contingency Planning
g) I.T.l literacy
h) Written communication skills (Management Reports, memo’s, e-mails, etc.)
Additional Comments:
Identify the areas you would benefit most from further training or development during the next 6 months. Distribute a maximum of ten points against the areas listed.
a) Company Vision and how we will work towards achieving this.
b) Business KPI’s and profit drivers.
c) Understanding of different departmental functions within the business.
d) Understanding of the different Management roles and objectives within the business.
e) How your Role & responsibilities link to Business objectives
f) Business relationship with parent company and/or business community
g) Products, services and business strategy
h) Industry Awareness
Additional Comments:
*CUSTOMER FOCUS (if applicable to your role – customer could also be interpreted as internal customer focus)
Identify the areas you would benefit most from further training or development during the next 6 months. Distribute a maximum of ten points against the areas listed.
a) Escalation procedures - Non routine customer issues/complaints/problems
b) Improving quality of customer service provision
c) Awareness of different functions within the business and how they inter-relate
d) Balancing customer expectations with business implications
e) Personally demonstrating positive example of quality customer service
f) Assertiveness skills
g) Negotiation skills
h) Letter writing skills
Additional Comments:
For each competence heading distribute a total of ten points among the areas for which you think you would benefit most from further training or development during the next 6 months.
These points may be spread among several areas or just a few.
In extreme cases they might be spread among all the areas or ten points may be given to a single area. If you allocate 10 points to a single area you are suggesting you feel you have no immediate need for training or development in the other areas listed within that competency heading.
Please add extra comments in the box provided for each competency heading
(i.e. there may be areas listed you feel you could still benefit from future development but do not see this as a priority for the next 6 months. Alternatively you may wish to elaborate on your specific training and development needs for the areas you have identified as priority).
Enter the points you allocate at the side of each area and then transfer the results to the Assessment Record Table at the end of this document.
Analysis Questionnaire
Identify the areas you would benefit most from further training or development during the next 6 months. Distribute a maximum of ten points against the areas listed.
a) Gaining acceptance and respect of team
b) Motivating your team
c) Encouraging team involvement and feedback
d) Delivering Team Briefings & Conducting Meetings
e) Resolving Team differences/conflicts
f) Dealing with challenging or difficult team members
g) Demonstrating public support of your Line Manager & Senior Management Team
h) Developing working relationships with other colleagues across the business
Additional Comments:
Identify the areas you would benefit most from further training or development during the next 6 months. Distribute a maximum of ten points against the areas listed.
a) Levels of responsibility & autonomy within your role
b) Company policy & guidelines
c) Effective Leadership skills
d) Research skills
e) Problem solving skills
f) Risk Assessment
g) Interpretation & analysis of data (Management info/reports, etc.)
h) Communicating decisions
Additional Comments:
Identify the areas you would benefit most from further training or development during the next 6 months. Distribute a maximum of ten points against the areas listed.
a) Communicating and gaining ‘buy in’ by others (team and colleagues) to change
b) Presenting and communicating recommendations for change
c) Project Management Skills
d) Identifying and creating new ways to do things
e) Personal Stress Management
f) Identifying and managing stress levels within team and colleagues
g) Prioritising Work
h) Managing ambiguity (guidelines/policies/communication - vague &/or incomplete)
Additional Comments:
Identify the areas you would benefit most from further training or development during the next 6 months. Distribute a maximum of ten points against the areas listed.
a) One to One meetings
b) Performance Development Review Process
c) Developing individuals
d) Training options, facilities and materials for your team
e) Giving & Receiving Feedback
f) Coaching
g) Counselling skills
h) Managing your own development
Additional Comments:
Identify the areas you would benefit most from further training or development during the next 6 months. Distribute a maximum of ten points against the areas listed.
a) Personal Organisation & effectiveness
b) Record Keeping
c) Organising your team
d) Managing Team results
e) Business & Team Operational Planning
f) Contingency Planning
g) I.T.l literacy
h) Written communication skills (Management Reports, memo’s, e-mails, etc.)
Additional Comments:
Identify the areas you would benefit most from further training or development during the next 6 months. Distribute a maximum of ten points against the areas listed.
a) Company Vision and how we will work towards achieving this.
b) Business KPI’s and profit drivers.
c) Understanding of different departmental functions within the business.
d) Understanding of the different Management roles and objectives within the business.
e) How your Role & responsibilities link to Business objectives
f) Business relationship with parent company and/or business community
g) Products, services and business strategy
h) Industry Awareness
Additional Comments:
*CUSTOMER FOCUS (if applicable to your role – customer could also be interpreted as internal customer focus)
Identify the areas you would benefit most from further training or development during the next 6 months. Distribute a maximum of ten points against the areas listed.
a) Escalation procedures - Non routine customer issues/complaints/problems
b) Improving quality of customer service provision
c) Awareness of different functions within the business and how they inter-relate
d) Balancing customer expectations with business implications
e) Personally demonstrating positive example of quality customer service
f) Assertiveness skills
g) Negotiation skills
h) Letter writing skills
Additional Comments: